To stand up for the core values of Christianity in health sector

Christian Medical Association


Objective: to bring together medical and healthcare professionals from all over Latvia.

  1. man is created according to the image and similarity of God;
  2. human life is protected from the moment of conception until death regardless of the state of health;
  3. human sex is determined by biology and physiology male is male and female is female.
  1. the value of human life;
  2. regarding physiological processes and sexuality at different stages of age;
  3. the challenges in family life, which are closely related to physiological and psychoemotional processes for both adultsand children;
  4. the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on quality of life and the negative impact of different addictions on physicaland mental health. Education through courses, seminars, lectures, social networks. Public opinion on issues of public concern, directly orindirectly, relating to public health, by expressing their views, opinions and arguments, by organising various kinds ofconferences and events. Preparation and production of educational materials for schools, young people, families, parishes.
  1. standing up for human life at all stages of age and development;
  2. promoting the birth rate and minimising mortality as far as possible;
  3. promoting and advocating healthy sexuality and a natural family (male + female).
Advocacy of Christian medics who make the decision - not to commit acts or manipulations that violate guidelines given in the Bible and that are in contrast to their conscience (abortions, euthanasia, puberty blocking, Transgender surgeries, etc.).
Cooperation with congregations, other Christian organisations, educational institutions, youth centres, health institutions in order to fulfil the abovementioned objectives of the association.


Christian Medical Association is open to new collaborations and new members who can contribute to Christian values and common goals.


A tree's beauty lies in its branches, but its strength lies in its roots.
- Matshona Dhliwayo

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